Monday, February 23, 2009

Chocolate Lava Cake

This cake is soooo good (if you like dark chocolate), and it's surprisingly easy to make for how gourmet it looks and tastes.

Center (Lava):
1/2 bar (2 oz) Ghirardelli 60% Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar
1/4 c. heavy cream

Melt together in a double boiler and whisk gently to blend. (I made mine straight on the stovetop with no double boiler and just stirred it constantly on low heat.) Refrigerate for about two hours or until the sauce is firm. Form into six balls and refrigerate them until they are needed.

Nonstick spray
1 bar (4 oz) of the above-mentioned 60% chocolate
1/2 c. (1 stick) butter
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
1/3 c. sugar
1/2 t. vanilla
1/4 c. cake flour (works fine with sifted all-purpose flour too)
Raspberries and whipped cream for garnish

Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Spray six 4-oz. custard cups or small ramekins. Melt chocolate and butter in double boiler (or not--see above) and whisk gently. With a mixer, whisk eggs, yolks, sugar, and vanilla on high speed for 5 min. or until it is thick and light. Fold the melted chocolate mixture and flour into the egg mixture just until it is combined. Spoon into the ramekins. Place a chocolate ball into the middle of each cup.

Bake 15 min. until the cake is firm to the touch. Let it cool for 5 min. and then run a knife around the edge and invert onto a plate. Garnish with berries and whipped cream and serve warm.