Friday, August 22, 2008

Chocolate Chip Cookies aka "CCCs"

1 cup shortening (butter-flavored Crisco)

1/2 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream these ingredients together. Then add

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix some more until well blended. Add:

2 1/4 cup sifted flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

Mix until dry ingredients are incorporated. (Too much mixing produces a tough cookie.)

Now mix in the good stuff:

1 cup chocolate chips (Nestle semi-sweet is my favorite.)

Spoon about 2 tsp./cookie onto baking sheet. Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes.

I like to undercook them slightly. Pull them out. Let them "set" on cookie sheet for about 1 minute and then put them on a cooling rack. Since warm CCC's are the only ones worth eating, just make 1 doz. at a time. Put the rest of the cookie dough in the frig or securely wrap in Saran wrap and freeze. (I know you're not supposed to eat raw eggs, but my mother & I have been sneaking raw cookie dough from the frig and freezer for years & have never suffered any ill consequences.


Alfie said...

We made these last night! So delicious! We even added cinnamon chips with the chocolate chips - so good!!! Thanks for the recipe mom!

Karry Seaver said...

Jami made some cookies that were not presentable and needed a good recipe quick because she wanted to have them ready to take to munch and mingle. No potential husband wants a girl who can't bake.

Thank goodness for these CCCs, now her prospects have broaden.