Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Artichoke Meatloaf

(I, Jenni, added garlic in with the onions and artichokes when I sauted them.  Then I added Greek seasoning mix and salt in with the other seasonings.  The last time I tripled the recipe, 2 lb of beef and 1 lb of turkey, then cooked it all in a 9x13 - fed 3 families).

Prep time 5 mins Cook time 35 mins Total time 40 mins   
Author: Kendra 
Serves: 4-6 

1 lb Ground Beef, Lamb, Bison, etc. 
½ Yellow Onion, diced 
14 oz. can Artichoke Hearts, chopped 
1 Tbsp Olive Oil or fat of choice 
1 Egg, beaten 
1 tsp Dried Parsley 
1 tsp Dried Basil 
½ tsp Ground Mustard 
½ tsp Sea Salt 
Fresh Ground Black Pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 375F. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan. When oil is hot, add onions and artichokes and saute a few minutes until slightly translucent. Combine all ingredients, including sauteed onions and artichoke, in a large bowl, and mix until thoroughly combined. Put mixture into a regular loaf pan, pressing mixture evenly into all corners and compacting it so it won't be crumbly. Bake in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes, or until an internal temp reads 160. Remove from oven and let rest at least 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

Read more at: http://www.ourpaleolife.com/2013/05/artichoke-meatloaf/


LL said...

How much can you taste the artichokes in this?

Jenni said...

Not very much. I think they have a mild flavor anyways...

I made this for several different people and everyone so far has texted me after and asked for the recipe cause their whole family ate it... not sure if that helps...